Thursday, 29 March 2012

Days that do not begin well...

Ever experienced one of these days?

  • When you haven't slept well the previous night, yet you have to attend to all that the day calls for?
  • When you feel numb and you realize that those thinking stems are just not doing what they are supposed to do?
  • When, there's so much to do, but you do not know where to begin!
  • When the rest of the world seems to be doing everything else important and you are sitting there almost close to blankness!
Today's mine! 

But, then I feel this way too - I realized it at least and so I can take those efforts to do something about it, can't I?

I'm trying..I'm trying... Let me get the thinking wheels turning so that they do some normal work.

Any of you felt this way? How do you handle these off-days?